Peer-reviewed papers
Bioinspired sticker-type multilayer anti-reflective film for flexible perovskite solar cells, J. S. Choi, U. Kim, J. Lee, Y. S. Lee, M. Choi, S. M. Kang, Journal of Energy Chemistry, accepted (2025).
Fabrication strategies for 2D halide perovskite towards next-generation optoelectronic applications, S. H. Cho, Y. Jung, Y.-W. Jang, H. Kim, J. Kim, C. Lim, K.-T. Park, S. Kim, Y. H. Chu, T. Kim, J. Lee, C. Lee, J. Park, K. T. Yoon, D. Eom, S. Park, T. Kim, Y. S. Lee, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology, 12, 349 (2025).
Nanoscale graded nitrogen-doping of TiO2 via pulsed laser deposition for enhancing charge transfer in perovskite solar cells, Y. Jung, K. T. Yoon, J. Park, H. Choi, S. Kim, H. D. Kwak, S. H. Cho, T. Kim, J. Lee, Y. S. Lee, Small, 20 (52) 2405229 (2024). [Selected as the Back Cover] [SNUME News]
Mechanically robust transparent conducting electrodes for flexible perovskite solar cells, E. Kim, J. Lee, Y. S. Lee, M. Choi, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 41, 3677-3692 (2024).
De-intercalation of iodoplumbate(DMSO)x complex for uniaxially oriented halide perovskite thin-film solar cells, J. Park, S. Kim, Y. H. Chu, J. Lee, D. Son, M. Choi, Y. S. Lee, Advanced Energy Materials, 14 (39), 2400620 (2024). [Selected as the Back Cover] [SNUME News]
Controlled fracture-based micropatterning of Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskite for ultra high-density arrays of micro light emitting diodes, S. Yoon, J. Kim, Y. H. Chu, K.-T. Park, K. T. Yoon, N. Kim, S. Park, Y. Kim, K. Bang, B. Shin, Y. S. Lee, Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (39), 2403151 (2024).
A coarse-grained modeling scheme to characterize thermal transport properties in thermoplastic polymers, T. Yoo, M. Cho, T. Kim, H. Chung, Y. S. Lee, S. Yang, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 158, 107908 (2024).
Understanding the shape-memory mechanism of thermoplastic polyurethane by investigating the phase-separated morphology: A dissipative particle dynamics study, S. Park, J.-H. Lee, M. Cho, Y. S. Lee, H. Chung, S. Yang, Polymer Testing, 137, 108531 (2024).
Enhanced photodetection performance of in situ core/shell perovskite-MoS2 phototransistor, J. Sim, S. Ryoo, J. S. Kim, J. Jang, H. Ahn, D. Kim, J. Jung, T. Kong, H. Choi, Y. S. Lee, T.-W. Lee, K. Cho, K. Kang, T. Lee, ACS Nano, 18 (26), 16905 (2024).
Multiscale study of shape-memory behavior of semicrystalline polyurethane nanocomposites doped with silica nanoparticles based on coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation, S. Park, J. Moon, M. Cho, Y. S. Lee, H. Chung, S. Yang, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 6 (6), 3192 (2024).
Amine-assisted ligand-exchange method to enhance photovoltaic parameters in FAPbI3 nanocrystal solar cells, S.-H. Jo, W. Yang, Y. Tang, D.-H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Park, S. E. Chang, S. Y. Lim, S. Kim, Y. S. Lee, J. Y. Kim, J. Lim, B. Hu, K. Zhu, T.-W. Lee, ACS Energy Letters, 9 (6), 2807 (2024).
Strain rate effects on fracture toughness of polymer nanocomposites: A multiscale study, W. Lee, T. Yoo, K. Baek, M. Cho, H. Chung, H. Shin, Y. S. Lee, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 298 (8), 109924 (2024).
Spectrally stable deep-blue light-emitting diodes based on layer-transferred single-crystalline Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskites, J. Kim, Y. H. Chu, J. Park, K. Bang, S. Yoon, S. Park, K. Park, J. Kwon, N. Kim, K. T. Yoon, Y. Kim, Y. S. Lee, B. Shin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (5), 6274 (2024).
Pulsed-mode metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy of GaN on graphene-coated c-sapphire for freestanding GaN thin films, S. Lee, M. S. Abbas, D. Yoo, K. Lee, T. G. Fabunmi, E. Lee, H. I. Kim, I. Kim, D. Jang, S. Lee, J. Lee, K.-T. Park, C. Lee, M. Kim, Y. S. Lee, C. S. Chang, G.-C. Yi, Nano Letters, 23 (24), 11578 (2023).
Remote epitaxial interaction through graphene, C. S. Chang, K. S. Kim, B.-I, Park, J. Choi, H. Kim, J. Jeong, M. Barone, N. Parker, S. Lee, X. Zhang, K. Lu, J. M. Suh, J. Kim, D. Lee, N. M. Han, M. Moon, Y. S. Lee, D.-H. Kim, D. G. Schlom, Y. J. Hong, J. Kim, Science Advances, 9 (42), eadj5379 (2023).
Overcoming charge confinement in perovskite quantum dot solar cells, W. Yang, S.-H Jo, Y. Tang, J. Park, S. G. Ji, S. H. Cho, Y. Hong, D.-H. Kim, J. Park, E. Yoon, H. Zhou, S.-J. Woo, H. Kim, H. J. Yun, Y. S. Lee, J. Y. Kim, B. Hu, and T.-W. Lee, Advanced Materials, 35 (39), 2304533 (2023).
Monolithically integrated BiVO4 / Si tandem devices enabling unbiased photoelectrochemical water splitting, G. Jung, C. Moon, F. Martinho, Y. Jung, J. Chu, H. Park, J. Park, A. Hajijafarassar, J. Schou, R. Nielsen, P. C. K. Vesborg, O. Hansen, Y. S. Lee, S. Canulescu, B. Shin, Advanced Energy Materials, 13 (35), 2301235 (2023).
Structural isomer of fluorinated Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite towards efficient and stable 2D/3D perovskite solar cells, J. Byeon, S. H. Cho, J. Jiang, J. Jang, C. Katan, J. Even, J. Xi, M. Choi, Y. S. Lee, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (23), 27853-27864 (2023).
Monolithic 100% silicon wafer anode for all-solid-state batteries achieving high areal capacity at room temperature, I. Na, H. Kim, S. Kunze, C. Nam, S. Jo, H. Choi, S. Oh, E. Choi, Y. B. Song, Y. S. Jung, Y. S. Lee, J. Lim, ACS Energy Letters, 8 (4), 1936-1943 (2023).
Chip-less wireless electronic skins by remote epitaxial freestanding compound semiconductors, Y. Kim, J. M. Suh, J. Shin, Y. Liu, H. Yeon, K. Qiao, H. S. Kum, C. Kim, H. E. Lee, C. Choi, H. Kim, D. Lee, J. Lee, J.-H. Kang, B.-I. Park, S. Kang, J. Kim, S. Kim, J. A. Perozek, K. Wang, Y. Park, K. Kishen, L. Kong, T. Palacios, J. Park, M.-C. Park, H. J. Kim, Y. S. Lee, K. Lee, S.-H. Bae, W. Kong, J. Han, J. Kim, Science, 377 (6608), 859-864 (2022).
Vertical metal-oxide electrochemical memory for high-density synaptic array based high-performance neuromorphic computing, H. Lee, D. G. Ryu, G. Lee, M.-K. Song, H. Moon, J. Lee, J. Ryu, J.-H. Kang, J. Suh, S. Kim, J. Lim, D. Jeon, S. Kim, J. Kim, Y. S. Lee, Advanced Electronic Materials, 8 (8), 2200378 (2022).
Sellotape exfoliated layered quasi-2D perovskite thin film for efficient light-emitting diodes, Y. Liu, F. Chen, Z. Jiang, Y. Li, X. Zhou, J. Wu, S. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Liu, S.-H. Bae, B. R. Lee, B. Huang, X. Wang, Y. S. Lee, J. Kim, S. H. Park, X.-F. Yu, B. Xu, Advanced Optical Materials, 10 (18), 2200885 (2022).
Evaluation of the dryout power density of a volumetrically heat-generating three-dimensional porous bed, H. Na, K. B. Lee, H. Kim, Y. S. Lee, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 178, 109342 (2022).
Vapor-transport-deposited orthorhombic-SnSe thin films: a potential cost-effective absorber material for solar-cell application, R. Nandi, P. S. Pawar, K. R. E Neerugatti, Jae Yu Cho, S. Kim, S. H. Cho, Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, Solar RRL, 6, 2100676 (2022).
Semitransparent perovskite solar cells with enhanced light utilization efficiencies by transferrable Ag nanogrid electrode, J. Lee, B. Shin, S. Kim, S. H. Cho, Y. Jung, K.-T. Park, C. Son, Y. H. Chu, D. G. Ryu, S. Yoon, M. Choi, H.-Y. Kim, Y. S. Lee, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 58475 (2021).
Elucidating ionic programming dynamics of metal-oxide electrochemical memory for neuromorphic computing, Y. Jeong, H. Lee, D. G. Ryu, S. H. Cho, G. Lee, S. Kim, S. Kim, Y. S. Lee, Advanced Electronic Materials, 7, 2100185 (2021). [Selected as the Back Cover]
Interfacial solar evaporator - physical principles and fabrication methods, J. Kim, J, Hwang, S. Kim, S. H. Cho, H. Choi, H.-Y. Kim, Y. S. Lee, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology, 8, 1347-1367 (2021). [KSPE Newsletter]
Confined growth of high-quality single crystal MAPbBr3 by inverse temperature crystallization for photovoltaic applications, T. Kim, Y. H. Chu, J. Lee, S. H. Cho, S. Kim, K. Bang, H. Lee, C. Lim, Y. S. Lee, Electronic Materials Letters, 17 (4), 347-354 (2021).
Investigation of defect-tolerant perovskite solar cells with long-term stability via controlling the self-doping effect, S. H. Cho, J. Byeon, K. Jeong, J. Hwang, H. Lee, J. Jang, J. Lee, T. Kim, K. Kim, M. Choi, Y. S. Lee, Advanced Energy Materials, 11 (17), 2100555 (2021). [Selected as the Front Cover]
Scalable high-efficiency bi-facial solar evaporator with dendritic copper oxide wick, J. Kim, H. Choi, S. H. Cho, J. Hwang, H.-Y. Kim, Y. S. Lee, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 11869 (2021). [Selected as Supplementary Cover Art ]
Fundamentals, impedance and performance of solid-state Li-metal microbatteries J. Collins, J. P. de Souza, Y. S. Lee, A. Pacquette, J. M. Papalia, D. M. Bishop, T. Todorov, M. Krishnan, E. Joseph, J. Rozen, D. Sadana, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38, 033212 (2020). [AIP SciLight - Revealing the fundamentals of lithium-metal microbatteries]
Carrier-resolved photo-Hall effect O. Gunawan, S. R. Pae, D. M. Bishop, Y. Virgus, J. H. Noh, N. J. Jeon, Y. S. Lee, X. Shao, T. Todorov, D. B. Mitzi, B. Shin, Nature 575, 151 (2019). [IBM Research Blog - Unlocking a 140-year-old Secret in Physics]
Vapor transport deposited tin monosulfide for thin-film solar cells: effect of deposition temperature and duration D. Lee, J. Y. Cho, H.-S. Yun, T. Kim, K. Bang, H.-Y. Kim, Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 7186 (2019).
Materials perspectives for next-generation low-cost tandem solar cells T. Todorov, D. M. Bishop, Y. S. Lee, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 180, 350 (2018).
Ultrathin high band gap solar cells with improved efficiencies from the world’s oldest photovoltaic material T. K. Todorov, S. Singh, D. M. Bishop, O. Gunawan, Y. S. Lee, T. S. Gershon, K. W. Brew, P. D. Antunez, R. Haight, Nature Communications 8, 682 (2017).
Preparation of single-phase SnSe thin-films and modification of electrical properties via stoichiometry control for photovoltaic application G. Jeong, J. Kim, O. Gunawan, S. R. Pae, S. H. Kim, J. Y. Song, Y. S. Lee, B. Shin, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 722, 474 (2017).
Determining interface properties limiting open-circuit voltage in heterojunction solar cells R.E. Brandt, N.M. Mangan, J.V. Li, Y.S. Lee, T. Buonassisi, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 185301 (2017).
Unveiling carrier scattering mechanism in epitaxial graphene via layer-resolved transfer to form wafer-scale, single domain graphene S.-H. Bae, X. Zhou, S. Kim, Y. S. Lee, S. Cruz, Y. Kim, J. B. Hannon, D. K. Sadana, F. M. Ross, H. Park, and J. Kim, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 144, 4082 (2017).
Back contact engineering for increased performance in kesterite solar cells P. D. Antunez, D. M. Bishop, Y. S. Lee, T. Gokmen, O. Gunawan, T. S. Gershon, T. K. Todorov, S. Singh, R. Haight, Advanced Energy Materials, 7, 1602585 (2017).
Industrial perspectives on earth abundant, multinary thin film photovoltaics R. Haight, T. Gershon, O. Gunawan, P. Antunez, D. Bishop, Y. S. Lee, T. Gokmen, K. Sardashti, E. Chagarov, A. Kummel, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 32, 033004 (2017).
Unconventional kesterites: the quest to reduce band tailing in CZTSSe T. Gershon, D. Bishop, P. Antunez, S. Singh, K. W. Brew, Y. S. Lee, O. Gunawan, T. Gokmen, T. Todorov, R. Haight, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 4, 29 (2017).
Compositional effects in Ag2ZnSnSe4 thin films and photovoltaic devices T. Gershon, K. Sardashti, Y. S. Lee, O. Gunawan, S. Singh, D. Bishop, A. C. Kummel, R. Haight, Acta Materialia, 126, 383 (2017).
Atomic layer deposited aluminum oxide for interface passivation of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin-film solar cells Y. S. Lee, T. Gershon, T. K. Todorov, W. Wang, M. T. Winkler, M. Hopstaken, O. Gunawan, and J. Kim, Advanced Energy Materials, 6, 1600198 (2016).
Photovoltaic device with over 5% efficiency based on an n-type Ag2ZnSnSe4 absorber T. Gershon, K. Sardashti, O. Gunawan, R. Mankad, S. Singh, Y. S. Lee, J. A. Ott, A. Kummel, R. Haight Advanced Energy Materials, 6, 1601182 (2016).
Effects of postsynthesis thermal conditions on methylammonium lead halide perovskite: band bending at grain boundaries and its impacts on solar cell performance D. Kim, G. Y. Kim, C. Ko, S. R. Pae, Y. S. Lee, O. Gunawan, D. F. Ogletree, W. Jo, B. Shin, The Journal of Physcial Chemistry C, 120, 21330 (2016).
Photovoltaic materials and devices based on the alloyed kesterite absorber (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 T. Gershon, Y. S. Lee, P. Antuenz, R. Mankad, S. Singh, D. Bishop, O. Gunawan, M. Hopstaken, and R. Haight Advanced Energy Materials, 6, 1502468 (2016).
Ag2ZnSn(S,Se)4: A highly-promising absorber for thin film photovoltaics E. Chagarov, K. Sardashti, A. C. Kummel, Y. S. Lee, R. Haight, and T. S. Gershon The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 104704 (2016).
Atomic-scale observation of oxygen substitution and its correlation with hole-transport barriers in Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin-film solar cells J. H. Kim, S.-Y. Choi, M. Choi, T. Gershon, Y. S. Lee, W. Wang, B. Shin, and S.-Y. Chung Advanced Energy Materials 6, 1501902 (2016). [Selected as the Frontispiece]
Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin-film solar cells by thermal co-evaporation with 11.6% efficiency and improved minority carrier diffusion length Y. S. Lee, T. Gershon, O. Gunawan, T. K. Todorov, T. Gokmen, Y. Virgus, and S. Guha Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1401372 (2015).
Monolithic perovskite-CIGS tandem solar cells via in-situ band gap engineering T. Todorov, T. Gershon, O. Gunawan, Y. S. Lee, C. Sturdevant, L.-Y. Chang, and S. Guha Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1500799 (2015).
The impact of sodium on the sub-bandgap states in CZTSe and CZTS T. Gershon, Y. S. Lee, R. Mankad, O. Gunawan, T. Gokmen, D. Bishop, B. McCandless, and S. Guha Applied Physics Letters 106, 213905 (2015).
10.5% efficient polymer and amorphous silicon hybrid tandem photovoltaic cell J. Kim, Z. Hong, G. Li, T.-B. Song, J. Chey, Y. S. Lee, J. You, C.-C. Chen, D. K. Sadana, and Y. Yang Nature Communications 6, 6391 (2015).
Phase transition-induced band edge engineering of BiVO4 to split pure water under visible light W. J. Jo, H. J. Kang, K.-J. Kong, Y. S. Lee, H. Park, Y. Lee, T. Buonassisi, K. K. Gleason, and J. S. Lee Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 13774-13778 (2015).
Chemical consequences of alkali inhomogeneity in Cu2ZnSnS₄ thin-film solar cells T. Gershon, C. Hamann, M. Hopstaken, Y. S. Lee, B, Shin, and R. Haight Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1500922 (2015).
Two-step annealing study of cuprous oxide for photovoltaic applications M. A. Lloyd, S.-C. Siah, R. E. Brandt, J. Serdy, S. W. Johnston, J. Hofstetter, Y. S. Lee, B. McCandless, and T. Buonassisi IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5, 1476 (2015).
Atomic layer deposited gallium oxide buffer layer enables 1.2 V open-circuit voltage in cuprous oxide solar cells Y. S. Lee, D. Chua, R. E. Brandt, S. C. Siah, J. V. Li, J. P. Mailoa, S. W. Lee, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Advanced Materials 26, 4704-4710 (2014).
Improved Cu₂O-based solar cells using atomic layer deposition to control the Cu oxidation state at the p-n junction S. W. Lee, Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, S. C. Siah, D. Chua, R. E. Brandt, S. B. Kim, J. P. Mailoa, T. Buonassisi, and R. G. Gordon Advanced Energy Materials 4, 201301916 (2014).
Band offsets of n-type electron-selective contacts on cuprous oxide (Cu2O) for photovoltaics R. E. Brandt, M. Young, H. H. Park, A. Dameron, D. Chua, Y. S. Lee, G. Teeter, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Applied Physics Letters 105, 263901 (2014).
High efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells by applying a double In2S3/CdS emitter J. Kim, H. Hiroi, T. K. Todorov, O. Gunawan, M. Kuwahara, T. Gokmen, D. Nair, M. Hopstaken, B. Shin, Y. S. Lee, W. Wang, H. Sugimoto, and D. B. Mitzi Advanced Materials 26, 7427-7431 (2014). [Selected as the Frontispiece]
3.88% efficient tin sulfide solar cells using congruent thermal evaporation V. Steinmann, R. Jaramillo, K. Hartman, R. Chakraborty, R. E. Brandt, J. R. Poindexter, Y. S. Lee, L. Sun, A. Polizzotti, H. H. Park, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Advanced Materials 26, 7488-7492 (2014).
Textured conducting glass by nanosphere lithography for increased light absorption in thin-film solar cells J. P. Mailoa, Y. S. Lee, T. Buonassisi, and I. Kozinsky Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 085105 (2014).
X-ray absorption spectroscopy elucidates the impact of structural disorder on electron mobility in amorphous zinc-tin-oxide thin films S. C. Siah, S. W. Lee, Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, T. Shibata, C. U. Segre, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Applied Physics Letters 104, 242113 (2014). [Featured in APS Science 2014 (pp. 53, 55), Advanced Photon Source Annual Report by Argonne National Laboratory]
Ultrathin amorphous zinc tin oxide buffer layer for enhancing heterojunction interface quality in metal-oxide solar cells Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, S. C. Siah, J. P. Mailoa, R. E. Brandt, S. B. Kim, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Energy & Environmental Science 6, 2122-2118 (2013).
Nitrogen-doped cuprous oxide as a p-type hole-transporting layer in thin-film solar cells Y. S. Lee, J. Heo, M. T. Winkler, S. C. Siah, S. B. Kim, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 15416-15422 (2013).
Low contact resistivity of metals on nitrogen-doped cuprous oxide (Cu2O) thin-films S. C. Siah, Y. S. Lee, Y. Segal, and T. Buonassisi Journal of Applied Physics 112, 084508 (2012).
High photocurrent in silicon photoanodes catalyzed by iron oxide thin films for water oxidation K. Jun, Y. S. Lee, T. Buonassisi, and J. Jacobson Angewandte Chemie 124, 438-442 (2012); Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51, 423-427 (2012). [Featured in the Hottest Articles in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, ChemistryViews, Wiley-VCH]
Hall mobility of Cu2O thin films deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering Y. S. Lee, M. T. Winkler, S. C. Siah, R. Brandt, and T. Buonassisi Applied Physics Letters 98, 192115 (2011).
Conference papers
Record Efficiencies for Selenium Photovoltaics and Application to Indoor Solar Cells D. M. Bishop, T. Todorov, Y. S. Lee, O. Gunawan, R. Haight Proc. 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 1411-1444 (2017).
Optimization of Silver-alloying for improved photovoltaic properties of CZTSSe D. Bishop, T. Gershon, Y. S. Lee, P. Antunez, R. Mankad, S. Singh, O. Gunawan, R. Haight Proc. 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 173-178 (2016).
Flexible kesterite solar cells on ceramic substrates for advanced thermal processing T. Todorov, J. Olenick, K. Olenick, O. Gunawan, T. Gershon, C. Sturdevant, Y. S. Lee, L.-Y. Chang, S. Guha Proc. 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA (2015).
Enhancement of carrier collection in Cu₂ZnSn(Se,S)₄ solar cell with hybrid buffer layer H. Hiroi, J. Kim, O. Gunawan, T. Gokmen, M. Kuwahara, T. K. Todorov, D. Nair, Y. S. Lee, M. Hopstaken, Y. Zhu, D. B. Mitzi, and H. Sugimoto Proc. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1473-1476 (2014).
Impact of H₂S annealing on SnS device performance K. Hartman, V. Steinmann, R. Jaramillo, R. Chakraborty, H. H. Park, L. Sun, R. E. Brandt, Y. S. Lee, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 362-364 (2014).
Phase-pure evaporation of tin (II) sulfide for solar cell applications R. Chakraborty, V. Steinmann, R. Jaramillo, K. Hartman, R. E. Brandt, H. H. Park, J. Poindexter, Y. S. Lee, R. G. Gordon, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 2304-2306 (2014).
Identifying and comparing efficiency-loss mechanisms in Earth-abundant thin-film solar cells R. E. Brandt, M. Lloyd, Y. S. Lee, S. C. Siah, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, pp. 846-848 (2013).
Growth and p-type doping of cuprous oxide thin-films for photovoltaic applications Y. S. Lee, M. T. Winkler, S. C. Siah, R. Brandt, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, TX, USA, pp. 2557-2558 (2012).
Low-resistance earth-abundant metal contacts to nitrogen-doped cuprous oxide thin films S. C. Siah, Y. S. Lee, R. Brandt, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, TX, USA, pp. 2605-2607 (2012).
High-mobility copper (I) oxide thin films prepared by reactive dc magnetron sputtering for photovoltaic applications Y. S. Lee, M. T. Winkler, S. C. Siah, R. Brandt, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 250-251 (2011)
Earth abundant materials for high efficiency heterojunction thin film solar cells Y. S. Lee, M. Bertoni, M. K. Chan, G. Ceder, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 2375-2377 (2009).
Mitigating the “iron problem” in crystalline silicon solar cells S. Hudelson, S. Bernardis, Y. S. Lee, K. Hartman, M. Bertoni, B. Newman, M.A. Marcus, B. Lai, S. Vogt, Z. Cai, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, pp. 963-964 (2008).
Evolution of metal impurities during crystalline silicon solar cell processing S. Hudelson, Y. S. Lee, K. Hartman, B. Lai, Z. Cai, M.A. Marcus, and T. Buonassisi Proc. 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 1-4 (2008)
US Patent 11,963,372 Three-terminal electro-chemical memory cell with vertical structure for neuromorphic computation and memory cell array including the same
US Patent 11,588,210 Battery-based neural network weights
US Patent 11,557,690 Semitransparent chalcogen solar cell
US Patent 11,444,207 Lithium drifted thin film transistors for neuromorphic computing
US Patent 11,411,191 Selenium-fullerene heterojunction solar cell
US Patent 11,201,244 FinFET resistive switching device having interstitial charged particles for memory and computational applications
US Patent 11,201,049 Thiourea organic compound for gallium arsenide based optoelectronics surface passivation
US Patent 10,978,604 Bandgap grading of CZTS solar cell
US Patent 10,930,809 Photovoltaic devices with increased efficiency and methods for making the same
US Patent 10,866,124 Multi-state device based on ion trapping
US Patent 10,777,665 III-V and Zn based finFET structure formed using low temperature deposition techniques
US Patent 10,658,702 High-performance thin-film battery with an interfacial layer
US Patent 10,453,978 Single crystalline CZTSSe photovoltaic device
US Patent 10,431,672 Method of forming a III-V and Zn based finFET structure using low temperature deposition techniques
US Patent 10,354,880 Sidewall spacer with controlled geometry
US Patent 10,319,871 Photovoltaic device based on Ag2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorber
US Patent 10,305,054 Memristive device based on tunable schottky barrier
US Patent 10,290,719 Indium gallium arsenide metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor having a low contact resistance to metal electrode
US Patent 10,290,431 Tandem chalcopyrite-perovskite photovoltaic device
US Patent 10,230,014 Hybrid vapor phase-solution phase growth techniques for improved CZT(S,Se) photovoltaic device performance
US Patent 10,192,161 Lithium-drift based resistive processing unit for accelerating machine learning training
US Patent 10,177,269 Controllable indium doping for high efficiency CZTS thin-film solar cells
US Patent 10,177,062 Surface passivation having reduced interface defect density
US Patent 10,170,388 Surface passivation having reduced interface defect density
US Patent 10,166,176 Plasmonic enhancement of absorption in sunscreen applications
US Patent 10,158,039 Heterojunction diode having a narrow bandgap semiconductor
US Patent 10,153,159 Source and drain formation using self-aligned processes
US Patent 10,134,929 Achieving band gap grading of CZTS and CZTSe materials
US Patent 10,134,601 Zinc oxide-based mask for selective reactive ion etching
US Patent 10,079,341 Three-terminal non-volatile multi-state memory for cognitive computing applications
US Patent 10,121,920 Aluminum-doped zinc oxysulfide emitters for enhancing efficiency of chalcogenide solar cells
US Patent 10,079,321 Technique for achieving large-grain Ag₂ZnSn(S,Se)₄ thin-films
US Patent 10,092,487 Plasmonic enhancement of absorption in sunscreen applications
US Patent 10,076,475 Shell-structured particles for sunscreen applications
US Patent 10,045,918 Embedding oxide particles within separate particles for sunscreen applications
US Patent 10,032,949 Photovoltaic device based on Ag₂ZnSn(S,Se)₄ absorber
US Patent 9,984,949 Surface passivation having reduced interface defect density
US Patent 9,876,130 Method for forming silver-copper mixed kesterite semiconductor film
US Patent 9,831,361 Method of fabricating nanocone texture on glass and transparent conductors
US Patent 9,722,120 Bandgap grading of CZTS solar cell
US Patent 9,716,195 Dry etch method for texturing silicon and device
US Patent 9,627,576 Monolithic tandem chalcopyrite-perovskite photovoltaic device
US Patent 9,608,141 Fluorinated tin oxide back contact for AZTSSe photovoltaic devices
US Patent 9,530,908 Hybrid vapor phase-solution phase growth techniques for improved CZT(S,Se) photovoltaic device performance